Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Season Rush

The NBA is gearing up for it's much delayed tip-off to a 2011-2012 season, with little time to do anything besides pump air into the balls and lace up some over-priced sneakers. So, as the MLB's Winter Meetings are heating up, and the Marlins are building another title for Miami (The Heat aren't helping them out), the NBA'ers are shuffling and scurrying to get free agents into a new home, and getting deals in place with their current signees. And, trying to make their Draft Day selections pan out and make rosters.... after no time to do so.
Everybody is playing catch-up to be where they need to be, or at least appear to be ready when nobody is going to be close at all, when the ball finally goes up on Christmas Day.

One of the more talked about free agents this shortened off season has been Chuck Hayes. Well, forget everything you have heard about the limited limelight time hoggin' by Chris Paul, and you are left with Chuckie Ball-game. Hayes will leave one situation where he hustled and earned his way on to the floor in Houston, for maybe one that will be a little bit more relaxed now that he is somewhat proven in the league. The Sacramento Kings have reportedly offered Hayes a 4 year-$20 Million deal that would re-unite him with another former Cat, and summertime running mate in some reunion games in the Commonwealth, Demarcus Cousins.

Eric Bledsoe's name has circulated in some trade talks, most of which are multiple team deals that would involve the aforementioned Chris Paul leaving Nawlins. Those same dealings have also included Rajon Rondo, but those have quieted down to almost not even a whisper. It would appear that the Clippers and Warriors are still at the table for his services, with the bait being Bledsoe and Curry. However, none of the teams involved are optimistic a deal will be reached by Friday.

Also, a pseudo former Cat, Tracey McGrady, has signed a 1 year deal with the Hawks.

However, the league isn't out of the woods just yet. The players will begin to vote on the new labor agreement on Thursday. They also have already agreed to summer drug testing for PED's. One factor that has a lot of people interested is the situation with college qualifications to enter the draft. It seemed to be a done deal at first, then it was reported that the 2 years removed from high school was not going to be pushed through. Hopefully, this will be addressed and a definite direction will be taken. Of course, they could have already said as much, maybe in my diversion from sobriety, I missed something.

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