Monday, December 12, 2011

Greatest night in college hoops

When I was alerted to Taylor University of Indiana, and their 'Silent Night' tradition, I was thinking originally, that it was just another small school's student section of attempting to out 'crazy' the Cameron Crazies...
Not only did they succeed in doing so, they put the Dungeons and Dragon-Asian- Speedo wearing- fan base to shame.
Not a noise is made in the gym, until the home team scores it's 10th point... at that point, all hell breaks loose. It's like reaching a sexual climax, the running of the bulls, and celebrating the end of WWII all rolled up into one mass celebration. In a word, it was awesome.
The Students are clad in an array of costumes that range from painted bodies, props made for the game, pajamas, and ugly Christmas sweaters. There is even a bot where a kid in a banana is chased by 3 others in full-on gorilla suits.... I nearly lost my shit. This is great. This is exactly what a college basketball atmosphere should be. The students being allowed to be kids and being as much a part of the spectacle as the jump-shots and high priced sneakers.
It brought back memories of Friday Nights in high school of the old BCHS Student know, the 'Hell Raisin' Mother Fuckers'....
Needless to say, I have been left with a feeling of extreme joy. It looked like fun, and it is fun just watching it...Unbelievable night to be a part of...
They even hang Christmas lights and decorations in the gym. It's like they throw everything in a blender and the concoction that comes out can bare only one name.... AWESOME.

Then, just when you think it's time for the awesomeness to go to bed, wait for Santa Claus and let sugar plums dance in their heads....No....The ENTIRE CROWD belts out an incredible rendition of 'Silent Night'....

It was good to see this kind of enthusiasm instead of campus shootings and pier six brawls breaking out during blow-outs...
These kids may very well be on acid and smoke a shit ton of weed, synthetic or not....but who the hell cares?

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