Saturday, November 12, 2011

Who? Terrence Jones. Who? Terrence Jones...

Terrence Jones has a message to all those who are reporting he was under the influence the other night at the scene of a traffic accident.... And that message is basically this: Prove it Mutha F@#ka!

Terrence Jones, didn't use such language, but he did maintain his innocence on the matter. I for one believe him. furthermore, they were hit by a DRUNK DRIVER. Jones, even though it would have been underage drinking, which is a big no-no, was not the driver of the vehicle he was in, and that driver was sober. At least that is how it would appear considering no member of Terrence Jones party was sighted for anything, even with Jones leaving the scene, which may or may not have been a good idea.
But, the rumors will continue to fly until an official police report or statement is issued. And, at that time, I think people will see that it was nothing to make all this fuss about in regards to Jones' level of sobriety.
Then, when that does happen, there is going to be a feeling that this was swept under the rug and Lexington cops protected the program or Cal paid off the department. Please, save the conspiracy theories for Oliver Stone and Jesse Ventura.

So, g'head...step to Terrence Jones. Get delt with.

Seriously, leave the kid alone and go round up some pedophiles in Pennsylvania... Oh, already done that eh? hadn't heard.

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