Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Via Facebook

Ashley Coleman: "Josh Coleman's wife is not pleased with you two! He felt the need to wake me up to tell me you all won..if he keeps crying about it I'm dropping him off at your house!"

Poor itty bitty baby!


Cane Tuckee said...

Yes, that was posted on my facebook page... this fasad that he putting on here of late night video's pulling up in Pearl's car with an open case of Coors Light and his empty words on the blog are all just cries for help... He is beaten. He is crying to his wife. He is shutting down... He is staging videos and what not, but nobody is fooled.. He claims we wanted to his acceptance, we wanted his respect... he claims we didnt get it... well, he is right, we didnt get his no...we went much deeper... We RIPPED OUT HIS MOTHER LOVING SOUL.

Anonymous said...

So awesome.

Josh Coleman said...

Have we not learned anything from the mistakes of out past? Status Updates have no place in the 64/60 especially those that cannot be verified by someone other than my wife who enjoys my good name being trampled on.