Sunday, November 27, 2011

One and done's are....Done.

NBA mandates new draft eligibility, Kentucky fans pop huge stiffy

As part of the potential lock-out ending Magna Carta set to be signed by the players and NBA owners this week, not only are those horny for some overpriced basketball that does not so good TV numbers, going to get a Christmas day tip-off, but fans on the the collegiate end of the spectrum will have the best gift under that Million Dollar spruce of a Christmas Tree: No More 'one and done' players.
The NBA will ratify the single best ruling it could have ever instituted. No more will players be able to abuse and use college programs for just an extra year of practice. When the rule that you had to be 19 and so many days old to enter the NBA was made, it ruined not only the pro game, but the college one as well. And, the whole United States blamed it on John Calipari. Seriously, they act like he is the responsible for it. For the record, he has said time and time again that he hates it. The rule is stupid. However, if it is there, he will exploit it.
I was never a fan of it. I say if a kid who can serve in the military and vote, feels as if he doesn't want to attend college, waste a scholarship and not attend class, and try his hand at going pro straight from High School...fine. he should be able to do so. There should not be any restriction. It's not up to us to say if he is ready or not, or more importantly, if he should THINK he is.
How many kids come out of high school that are of the mold of a Kevin Garnett, Kob Bryant, LeBron, or even a Moses Malone? Not many. To be honest, there are not many who come out of college early who are, let alone how many years they ride the free education route.
The NBA is diluted. The talent level across the board is not there, there are too many teams, and there are too many individuals who try to make it to the league. Because of the over-population of NBA franchises, players usually get the chance to join the league, no matter how swift of a lifespan in the NBA they have.
Yes, I do think there are some NBA ready kids that come out of high school every year. The previous rule was absurd, and did nothing but allow players to treat programs as Developmental Camps, rather than proud programs and national powers that once stood in their place.
Now, they have to stay two years. I still feel as if it is kind of absurd to put limitations on what somebody can or can't do, but this rule actually helps both parties. NBA teams get the benefit of players who have two years of college experience before they can even think about signing their draft papers, and colleges are no longer raped and treated like a celebrity rehab facility.  The ones who want the money, who may not have the highest classroom acumen, will still have the opportunity to ply their trade overseas, as the international game will not be effected by the ruling.
So, my advice is to wrap it up, go to class, and don't get nobody pregnant. Enjoy college life and be a kid for as long as you can. You are going to be here for at least 2 years now, so you might as well embrace it.
Selfishly, I love the ruling. I am a Kentucky fan, so that just means that Calipari is going to get the same recruits he always does, but he is going to have them longer in Lexington... Another reason for Memphis fans to hate us.... and Duke, Kansas, UNC, Louisville, etc....
Honestly, it shouldn't have been hard to figure out though. Look at how many have left early, then look at how many of those are in the league still and look at those who are playing somewhere other than the NBA. It's still going to be a guessing game for these kids as to whether they think they are ready or not, but they now have to think about their guess, or best possible answer, for two years while someone else foots the bill.

The traditional powers just got more power. The era of the dynasty could be back... and the era of parity and not really-Cinderellas may be over.

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