Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nuts and bolts...Marquez got screwed

Tonight, Manny retained his title. Only problem is, he shouldn't have.
You are going to read all about it. Marquez was bent over in Vegas, only there is no Zack Galifanakus punch line to laugh at. There was nothing funny about how bad Marquez had it put to him.
He dominated the fight, pure and simple. Don't think so? Watch the fight again. Then put together a Manny Pacquiao highlight reel. What's that? Not enough footage to do so?
Manny knew he lost the fight. The crowd knew he lost the fight. His wife knew he lost the fight.
Only problem is, the judges weren't watching the same fight he had just lost and awarded him the victory while tuned into a mythical fight that wasn't even happening.
The Brits who were calling the broadcast that I was able to watch (wink wink) were as stunned as the rest of us. They could not believe the outcome. And one judge even scored the fight an absurd 16-12 Pac Man... Needless to say, they were some pretty irate Limeys.
They were calling the bout a fix, on behalf of the judges and not necessarily the fighters and their camps. One called out the Filipino gamblers and said that they had their hands in this. They put Vegas on blast for corruption, and they called out the judges themselves. All of which, are quite correct to do so.
Rest assured, there will be an investigation to this one. There has to be. It was complete bullshit. You could just tell the post fight rundown was just full of disgust and disbelief on behalf of the broadcasters. It is reasons like tonight's debacle, which is why boxing is almost irrelevant in sports today. They have screwed up far too long, and this may be the final straw.
One commentator made the statement of the night, and one I totally agree with. "Everybody has Manny-itus." Meaning, that everybody for some reason is enamored with the Pac Man, and overstate his performances. They force themselves to see things in his fights that he is not really doing, and totally disregarding the other fighter's stellar performances.
I mean c'mon man! His wife nearly shit her drawers when they announced Manny as the winner.
Rightfully, Marquez left the ring in disgust and gave no post fight opinions or words. Pac triumphantly ascended the corner turnbuckle to a chorus of boos, something he is not used to. The crowd knew better than what they had been told happened. Pacquiao did not win that fight.
But, if he had been declared the loser, as he should have, there would be no chance of Mayweather/Pacquiao, the super-fight that everybody has been clamoring for, and supposedly it's close to being back on for the 123,458,390,549,649 th time.
It's the fight that many people have said will 'save' boxing, and put it back on the map. Unfortunately, they committed suicide before they got there.
The fight announcer said Marquez was 'Like a matador, taming the bull!". Sadly while he was taming the bull in the ring, he couldn't control the bull shit at the judges table.

This was the 3rd, and was supposed to be the final and deciding bout between these two.
Oh, and least we forget that Mario 'AC Slater' Lopez was the post-fight, in-ring interviewer.
Boxing is dead.

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