Sunday, November 13, 2011

Morning has broken and battle is upon us.

The time to either put up or shut is here. The TRB's have been ridiculed since day 1 of the season, whether it be for our "horrible, laughable" draft or early season loses. But one thing is certain, The TRB's simply will not go away and I think that scares some teams. We are here through hard work and determination....some brilliant mental warfare, we will not settle for anything less than a blowout, yeah I said a BLOWOUT!!!!! We will see you chump stains in the playoffs (through the rear view mirror). I'll leave you with some words that ring true today.... THE MOTHER OF ALL BATTLE IS UPON US, Saddam Hussein C. 1991.

Final score: THE TRB's 195 - BCFP 168

1 comment:

Cane Tuckee said...

It should be noted, while myself and Mr. Lemaster have built the most marketable brand name in the 6460, and he is a valuable member of our leadership who has poured in countless hours in the planning rooms to tweak our franchise and help make it successful, we here involved in the TRB's do not necessarily condone quoting a genocidal madman as a way to get the juices flowing in our team.