Sunday, November 27, 2011

From Smashing Pumpkins, to turnbuckle smashes

Corgan drops rats in a cage for Texas Tornado cage matches

Former Smashing Pumpkins front man Billy Corgan has a new business ventrure. However, unlike his rock'n roll counterparts, it does not involve a clothing line, a video game, or a high priced fast food place. Nope, the  angst-y rocker is doing something completely different: He is now a pro wrestling promoter.

Corgan is a long time wrestling fan, even involving himself a few years back with a skit on TNA shows. Corgan, however, pines for the return of pro wrestling from the sports entertainment purgatory that so many other fans do. So, he decided to use his finances to do something about it.
Resistance Pro had it's debut show on Black Friday in a night club in Chicago. Now, don't let that fool you. this is not going to be a sad little version of ECW or a somewhat more entertaining version of Shotgun Saturday Night. It's a starting point. It was a venue to showcase that it was different, it wasn't what we had been seeing in the last several years. It also, wasn't geared to Internet fan-boys who cry work-rate til they are blue in the face. No, it was the starting point of someone who actually wants to give us Pro Wrestling.
And, make no mistake, it is all about pro wrestling. corgan wants the group to survive and succeed on it's own merits, as a product without his previous life being a drawing card.
With the roster they had secured for teh debut and the atmosphere, I would say that they are well on their way to making a dent in the struggle of pro wrestling purists. Of course, it was their first outing, so there are going to be glitches that need worked out. The uniqueness of the venue gave the show an extra bit of flare, and really created a memorable experience.
RPro does plan on expanding. They do plan on getting in larger venues and being more noticeable. The only niche group they are concerned with is a rather large one;disgruntled fans who want Pro Wrestling. Hopefully, they can deliver. However, it does have a certain edginess to it, and is not going to find itself as the home of technical brilliance on the level of Steamboat/Flair, but it will provide you with a hybrid of styles on any given show and plenty of action. If the first show is any indication, it has something for everybody. Hopefully on TV and video, it won't come across as 'crash TV'.
Resistance Pro is one of several promising groups who are making noise at restoring pro wrestling in the lexicon of American culture. They join groups like Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Pro Wrestling EVO, and NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood and NWA Ring Warriors in doing so.

Final analysis: Obviously, need to see more shows to really give it a grade or to see where it will go and how it will get there. I would like to see a more traditional presentation of the product, but that is just me. As long as they don't drop limos from cranes, blow people up in said limos, and give birth to hands and practice necrophilia... I am good with it.

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