Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fear Not The Factory Is Alive and Well

Before the speculation gets out of hand let me assure everyone that I am alive and well, unharmed, and with a new found determination to obtain a Football Championship. While the TRB's will no doubt post several entries rehashing their two point edge I am moving forward. Last week was merely a minor setback on my path to glory. Butch Lemaster has always longed for my support and appreciation. Josh Gilbert has simply wanted respect. I suppose they both felt a victory would feed their needs, oh how wrong they can be. Personal attacks and threats of harm to my family will not earn my respect. A narrow two point win while the Factory had one of it's worst weeks during the season certainly doesn't change my opinion of the TRB's. A month ago I would have labeled the TRB's as a "Soft" team unable to go toe to toe with the leagues elite. A Bottom tier playoff team at best with a one and done in their unwritten playoff history. Outside of my shock regarding the tactics taken last week to get in my psyche my opinion hasn't changed. Untill we meet again file this in your Chicken Soup For The Fantasy Soul motivational handbook and continue to chase the BCFP.

* Please Note my abscence from the In-N-Out this week had nothing to do with my loss. Responsibilities were given to Brandon McClung to determine what potential role he could fill as the 64/60 moves forward in 2012.


Big H.I. said...

That video is totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

This is by far the best drama ever. All those years of WWF/WCW are paying off.

I love it.


Please let me back in the league.



Josh Coleman said...

Your 64/60 Suspension will be lifted when the calender turns to 2012. At that point league offices will accept a application for reinstatment and review your case on a individual basis.