Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Do you have this sweater vest with a pouch?

Tressel could be next head coach at Akron...

Just 24 hours after the initial 72 hours of denial by Urban Meyer, The former coach of Ohio State(we NEVER call it 'THE', and most of the time pronounce it as O-HI-YA) the vested one himself, has hopped back into the Division 1 coaching ring. Literally.
It appears that Jim Tressel, and his sweater vest-filled wardrobe, will be coaching from the sidelines of Akron...In Ohio...MAC school... where the school's mascot is a kangaroo...where they are called the Zips...
So, screw you Ohio State, Tressel has landed a new 'destination' job. If your destination happens to be a place called 'Final'.

But, of course, nothing is official and as of now it is all speculation. If you would ask Tressel if there was any meat to this, he would surely lie to you... He has a proven track record of that.
Oh, and I am so relieved that Urban Meyer has got a clean bill of health, and got to see his kids grow up....for a year... Which was spent mostly in Bristol, and on the road broadcasting games...Nothing like time at home with your family, eh Urb?

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