Monday, November 28, 2011

Darius Ruttiger?

They Should have re-named him Michael MAN-Gilchrist...

Just when you think that there is no possible way The Hyphenated Assassin could endear himself to the BBN more than he has.... He does...
Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, in a move straight out of 'RUDY', went to Coach Cal, and requested that Darius Miller become the starter, and he would move to a role of coming off the bench.
The kid gets it. He transcends basketball, dribble drive offenses, and Sports Center Highlights...Flat out, the kid gets it. He understands. Those are the kind of people you want around you. 
MKG is good people.
Now, the issue of starting Miller: Some people say it should be done. Others will tell you that people are just riding his jock because he is from Mason County. That he is viewed with blue tinted goggles, and he is not worthy of the regard he is held in by the BBN and the presumed boner they have for a homegrown Wildcat senior...
My stance, is that he is a calming force to this team. He grounds them. They do seem to play at a different level when he is on the floor. I say, start him.... I mean seriously, he is a senior, he is hometown boy....and seriously, what's it gonna hurt?

In any event, I imagine the meeting with Cal , went exactly like this:

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