Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coach K gets a 'Bristol Reach Around"... Meanwhile Kentucky puts America on notice

Well, we survived the Coach K circle jerk ESPN had all night, and a sluggish first half, to see the Cats do in NYC what they wanted to do. Make a statement. America, has heard them loud and clear.
In the second half, Kentucky came out of the gates like Secretariat, and never looked back. While they still played somewhat sluggish and erratic, they gave a glimpse of what is going to happen when they get a little more experience and cohesion going.... folks, they are going to be a juggernaut.

Cal, was not happy with the over-all performance. And, it wasn't just 'coach talk'. He referenced that they played selfish, not as a team, and that in the last 3 minutes, they played like an 'AAU team'. All of which I would agree with. But, it is those teasers they give us, like the intensity that they came out with after the half. The running they can do. That running, is going to run a lot of teams out of gyms. The power they possess. The long ball shooting which is absolutely stunning.. The defensive aggression. They have all the tools. And, when those tools are put in the same tool box... well, it's going to be a thing of beauty.

Right now, they just have to learn to play with that intensity for the entire game. They are a very mentally tough squad though, and are almost like a band of brothers going to war out there. They got each other's backs.
Once they quit watching the scoreboard and just play, blowouts of ridiculous magnitudes are going to surely follow.

"They're are gonna' dunk so much, it's gonna' be stupid!"- Scott Van Pelt

Notes on Coach K:
ESPN got a little swollen and stiff this evening. I promise you the Gatorade towels were put to good use tonight.
I don't like the fact we could not see Wojo's hands while celebrating the 903rd win.
I swear I saw Coach K tongue whip Bob Knight's ear. He didn't? Well, I am still telling everybody he did.
Coach K once scored 34 points and dished out 7 assists in Iwo Jimma... If I had heard his playing days at West Point one more time, I was seriously going to stab my ears. You ever noticed if they are trying to give someone a fluff job, they reference their days in the Army Academy as 'attending West Point' instead of the usual they bestow on the nobody's as 'he played at Army'.
Thanks to this display of knob-polishing on behalf of ESPN, we had to hear it all during the Duke game, the pre-game before Kentucky/Kansas, where you think they would preview the game. Nope, more Coach K rubbin'. During the game, you know Dick Vitale had some loads built up he wanted to get out. He did, they continued to talk him up during that game. And, to beat all, this game might as well have been on My Z, seeing as how I had to stay up til' about midnight to watch the tip-off.
I have it on good authority, that Coach K was once made completely of chrome... That is until ESPN sucked it off of him.
I didn't even bother with SportsCenter... I can't take anymore of it.

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