Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays From The 64/60

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* With Gilbert on a unscheduled Vacation this week the original postings have been somewhat sparce. I posted this in December of 2010 in celebration of Christmas. Though the year has changed my thoughts and wishes have not. To everyone who views these pages daily, periodically, or by accident, here is to you and yours this Holiday Season and may the season bring you everything your heart desires.

With a full time job, three kids, a demanding wife, a growing website in and my position as Owner and Operator of the Bear Creek FP Factory my life can be pretty hectic. It requires many of late nights with early mornings and I wouldn't have it any other way. As a result of this lifestyle I often look ahead days and weeks at a time and often overlook what is happening now. It is this very thing that makes me enjoy Christmas so much. The 48 Hours of Christmas Eve into Christmas Day is the one time of the year where seconds are seconds, minutes are minutes and hours are hours. Everything moves in slow motion. Now I realize that between going to and coming from the period moves rather quickly. What I am referring to is that during this period you are more in tune with what is going on around you. You see every smile, you feel the excitement, and the happiness of others truly fuels your fire. These moments happen year around on a daily basis but more often than not your going 100 in a dimly lit tunnel and your just not able to see it.

Now I know not everyone feels this way. Perhaps I have romanticised the moment based on my upbringing. What I do know is that regardless of how you fell about the Holidays you should make every attempt to live in the day. Surround yourself with the people you love and those that love you. Go to places that make you happy. Think of those who for whatever reason can't be with you. Think about the Christmas when you were 5 while still keeping your eyes on the moment. Keep the hope of happiness alive during Christmas and I know it will find you even if only for a moment. So from the 64/60 family to yours a very Merry Christmas and may a big smile, great laughs, and so many special moments be yours.

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