Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In-N-Out The 64/60 Week 3 and Playoffs

James Hardy's run at 64/60 Football Championship games may be over. Since Hardy has joined the 64/60 two years ago he has won a championship, in his first season, and finished runner up the following season. The Asses could simply be suffering from Super Bowl hangover but I believe the problems go deeper than that. Aaron Rodgers is a elite fantasy play week after week. Other than that the roster is void of any other week in and week out performer. Barber can have a double digit week sandwiched between weeks of 5 and 6 points. Steve Smith(Car) is now the number one WR for a rookie QB. Beanie Wells is the feature back for a opening act offense. On the bright side they do have that RD 11 K to fall back on. If James Hardy can somehow piece together a playoff team with this roster he should immediately have a bust in the 64/60 Hall Of Fame.

Todd Whitley and Tree Fiddy has also stumbled out of the gate at 0-3. Now Fiddy has surpassed the 320 pt mark thru three weeks so their is some life here but regardless the bottom line is the 0-3 mark. Fiddy has suffered from underperformance thus far. MJD has been a reserve RB at best and nowhere near the number 2 overall selection. Breaston, Johnson and Welker all have had really good weeks but none have been a consistent 12-15 point player. Jamal Charles has also not been consistent thus far a 6-8 point week will be followed by a 15-17 point output. Given the bleak QB situation with McNabb as your go to guy you can't afford inconsistent play from big point earning positions such as WR and RB. Fiddy does have Holmes due back in two weeks but suffered a big loss with Jackson not being traded. All signs point toward Vincent Jackson not stepping on a field this season.

On the other side of the ledger the 64/60 has two 3-0 teams. Jesse Ward and the Jitsuers as well as Joe Malone and steelerdomination. The dominate team thus far has been the Jitsuers and it hasn't really even been close. The 467 points are 68 more then the second highest point total. The average margin of victory in the early going has been over 70 pts. The roster from a name standpoint doesn't scare you. Rivers is the only player who coming into the season was likely a top 5 at his position. Gore and Jackson is a good RB duo but neither are considered elite. And the WR trio of Nicks, Collie and Clayton/Driver was thought to be void of a true number 1 guy. HOWEVER after watching the Colts game on Sunday the Early season production of Collie may not be the fluke I believed it to be. Collie it would seem has become Mannings top target. Some of this is likely due to Wayne getting the opposing teams top CB but in fantasy land all you want are the results. Collie wont score 20+ pts every week but what I believed to be a consistent 7-8 pt player may be more like 12-15 every week. The bottom line is that the Jitsuers whom I thought to be paper tigers after Week 1 may actually be the beast of the 64/60 and the early season favorite for the title.

Rookie Joe Malone is asking himself "What is the deal with the 64/60?" . The Tri-State's elite fantasy league has been no big deal in the early going for Malone. Like the teams namesake their good start is the result of great defense and a great running game. The Steelers D has averaged 18 points per game. While the RB duo of Forte and McFadden average around 20 pts per game. The WR stable is lead by White and his 20 pts per but void of any other consistent performer which could lead to trouble down the stretch. And a upgrade at Kicker is much needed COME ON MAN Phil Dawson, you gotta do better than that. Many within the league no doubt are wondering if the start by steelerdomination can continue. I happen to think as long as Forte and McFadden are producing at this level the answer is yes. Now the question for me is can that be expected. I am sold on Forte but I still have my doubts regarding McFadden.

* For those of you keeping early season draft ratings you may want to give Jesse Ward a big A. He was the mastermind behind not only the start of his own team but he also drafted for steelerdomination which holds the top 2 spots in the standings.

Weekly Recap

Amish 117 vs. Shock-N-Aww 106. This swing game for 1-1 teams was the closest contest this week in the 64/60. The Amish who are still suffering from the tiebreaker fiasco in baseball found enough stability to go over the .500 mark in football. The Shock-N-Aww featured 5 double digit performers however the Amish managed 4 players in double digits including three who posted 20+ pt performances.

MOP- Chris Johnson-24

BCFP 146 vs. Tree Fiddy 107. Big week for the Factory with 6 players in double digits with two players posting total over 30. The Fiddy had some nice production across the board with 6 players with 10 or more however not one of the 6 scored in the 20's.

MOP- Adrian Peterson 36

Argumentative 9irons 149 vs. Knockers 76. Perhaps another win in the early going will make the 9irons ownership like Fantasy Football a little more. Four 20+ point games four the 9irons was more than enough to coast by the Knockers who had only three players reach double digits in what was a pathetic week.

MOP- DeSean Jackson 26

Stars 153 vs. 12th RD Kicker 137. Finally a win on the board for the Stars who benefited from a three TD day from Boldin. Boldin was one of six double digiters for the Stars. For the 12th Rounders the elusive first win will have to wait another week even with Peyton Hillis scoring 30 pts against the Ravens.

MOP- Boldin 40

Jitsuers 164 vs. Hunters 129. Another week another beatdown for the Jitsuers. The Jitsuers have not only won all three contest in high scoring fashion but they have also beaten 2 of the 3 teams behind them in the standings Head-to-Head. The Jitsuers were once again lead by Austin Collie and his standard 40 point output. Joining in on the fun were three 20+ earners and three more in double. For the Hunters it was a bad matchup week. The Hunters posted 7 double digit players including 30 from Vick.

MOP- Collie 41

steelerdomination 140 vs. Asses 74. Another week same old story for both teams in the early going of the season. steelerdomination did just that posting 7 double digit performers including two in the 20's. For the Asses the misery continues only two double digit performers the entire week.

MOP- Maclin 24

Head Scratcher Of The Week

Tree Fiddy drops Michael Vick. All though I'm by no means sold on Vick the bottom line thus far has been two very solid weeks of QB play. The week before Fiddy picked up Vick as a FA and played him in Week 2 for a 20 point day. Bottom Line: Vick was dropped for a QB who is hurt leaving you with McNabb as your only healthy QB and a must start every week.

Pick Up Of The Week

Bounty Hunters add Michael Vick. It's hard to go against a pickup who nets you 30 for the week. Long term however this move has question marks. First off the Hunters spent 20% of their budget on a QB who should not be started over Schaub unless it's a bye week for the Texans. Secondly is Vick the elite player from the last two weeks against the likes of the Lions and Jaguars or is he a middle of the pack QB with some really good highlights like he was prior to prison?

Coleman vs. Ward/Hobson/Hardy Challenge

The challenge took a big turn in my favor this week. That 11th Rd K and first K selected, Garret Hartley, missed a chip shot 29 yard FG in Overtime prompting the Saints to sign John Carney and put Hartley on a tight leash. One shank next week could allow me to ease to victory in the K portion of the challenge.

K- Hartley 6 YTD 19
K- BCFP 8 YTD 14
DEF- Jets 4 YTD 24

64/60 Baseball Playoff

For those of you who haven't checked the baseball lately it appears as though another Championship game is going down to the wire. In two of the three seasons the final game has come down to the tiebreaker which in the past had been the lower ERA. However this season Yahoo wisely changed the tiebreaker format and made in season head-to-head record the deciding factor. For a full breakdown of the tiebreaker along with his thoughts please contact Christopher Lee he can tell you all about it. I must warn you tune out after about a minute. The Coleman vs. Coleman title game may very well come down to just that. Currently the Factory is up 7-5 and given the two week format nothing has been decided as of yet. For the record in the event another title game ending in a tie it would be the elder Coleman who would claim his second 64/60 Championship.


jesseward said...

Where have you been?


It's like you have a full time job and 3 very active children and a wife and two fantasy sports teams. I mean come on?!


Iluv2addpitchersdaily said...