Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Drugs in Pro Wrestling???? You're Silly.....

Former WWF Tag Team Champion Jim'The Anvil' Neidhart was arrested over the weekend at a gas station in Florida... Kinda' suprising a drug arrest is made in Florida ain't it? Any who, the former Chris Spurlock clone-pink and black bully was arrested at the station after he had pulled in to the pump and started to yell and cause a disturbance. Witnesses say Neidhart was taking pills he was getting out of the trunk of his silver Pontiac Sunfire. When the Mountie and Big Bossman showed up, Neidhart was seen ingesting pills he was getting from the trunk, then he fell to the ground...Looking to tag in The Hitman, only to find that he was not holding the tag rope by pump 3....
The Police found in his possession 55.6 grams of Oxycontin and 17.4 grams of Methadone. And the kicker here is that he must have been slid the bottles while Referee Joey Morella was distracted by Jimmy Hart, because his name was not on the bottles. They were apparently prescribed to a women named Mary Cutillo.
His Daughter and Nephew, Natalie Neidhart and DH SMith, current WWE employees and faction in control of the Tag Titles could not be reached for comment...For reasons being, A.) I don't know their cells and B.) I don't remember trying to contact them.

Neidhart was arraigned and charged with the following charges:

- Two counts of possession of a controlled substance
- Two counts of trafficking in a controlled substance
- One count of burglary of an occupied dwelling
- One count of grand theft
I just hope that while the judge was reading the charges he was tugging at his goatee and cackling loudly and saying 'That's right baby!!!"
On a brighter note, Scott Hall's back in rehab... Hey Yo.


jesseward said...

Good lord, that is fantastic.

Big H.I. said...

Is he from Kentucky?