Monday, September 13, 2010


TOP 25
1.) 'Bama
2.) The Ohio State University
3.) Oregon
4.) Oklahoma
5.) Texas Christian
6.) Iowa
7.) Texas
8.) Boise State
9.) Florida
10.) Nebraska
11.) Wisconsin
12.) Arkansas
13.) South Carolina
14.) LSU
15.) Auburn
16.) Arizona
17.) Utah
18.) Michigan
19.) Stanford
20.) USC
21.) The U, Miami of Florida
22.) West BY GAWD Virginia
23.) United States Air Force Academy
24.) Georgia
25.) Penn State


Cane Tuckee said...

Could not justify dropping the U, Penn State, nor Georgia for their loses.. However, Boise State gets the drop as if it were a 2nd grade habit, everybody knows those are bad.... They get penalized for Beamer Ball not being very Beamer like...Had UNC not had an off week, they would have been in the Top 25 for certain. Florida probably will implode soon, and would have put them much lower than i already had if not for Urban... Really wanted to show some rediculous love to Cobb and the Cats, but The Ville and WKU didn't warrant it...but they have a LEGIT shot at beating the Gators in the Swamp..LEGIT. And, yes If Marshall would not have blown the game of their lifetime...I would have thought about having them crack it...but they would have been around like number 36...

Cane Tuckee said...

But for some reason I greatly penalized the Noles, and Clemson...Georgia Tech got beat by Kansas....they need two weeks of redemption, Virginia Tech may not redeem at all, and I really wanted to give a nod to Houston...which conference USA is not that bad this year, well, they got the Cougs' and's a start...Cal and Mizzou??? Not ready for that cool aid yet... But We know Burt... Cal plays in that scary Pac 5002 or whatever it is now...

jesseward said...

I had forgotten about that argument. I think we put it to bed after Burton, appropriately, dicktucked on his comments regarding the Pac-10 outdoing the SEC.

Nice call.

Josh Coleman said...

For the record I have never claimed for one second that the Pac 10 was better than the SEC. My only claim last season was that the Pac 10 was deeper and more balanced than the SEC. My arguement was that Florida and Bama were dominate in the SEC last season so the conference was more top heavy than normal. Georgia, Auburn, Tenn, and Ole Miss all had somewhat disappointing season last year which made the SEC less competitive than you come to expect. I felt that the Pac 10 in 09 was the second best conference to the SEC last year and the gap wasn't as big as in past season. After the bowl season and the Pac 10's miserable record my statement was likely incorrect but for clarification purposes I have never stated that the Pac 10 was better than the SEC.

Josh Coleman said...

I have always wanted to know what happened to Bud Kilmer after his halftime departure. Kilmer was a great choice to partner with. His knowledge of Football is unparralled in the Hollywood coaching ranks perhaps only behind the assistant coach who you couldn't understand in the Waterboy. I must ask though why not that "Manchild" Billy Bob, Billy Bob, Billy Bob, Biiillllyyyy Bobbbbbbbb.

jesseward said...


This statement requires revision....

"For the record I have never claimed for one second that the Pac 10 was better than the SEC. My only claim last season was that the Pac 10 was deeper and more balanced than the SEC."

A conference that is deeper and more balanced is inherently better in those aspects. So, implicitly, you said they were better.

Face it dude. And I don't appreciate the curt emails.



todd said...

Kilmer's overall football phlosophy was perfect. He preached ball control and clock management, and rarely took risks, even with 5 star recruit Lance Harbor. With a balanced offense they ran and passed the ball to get ahead then ran out the clock with all state tailback Wendell Brown. The ground attack all started with lead blocker and fat fucking baby, Billy Bob (refered to in the film as William Robert by Kilmer)

I am sure Kilmer found a place to OFF cordinate somewhere. His high school record was sound and quite impressive. I am sure he moved up to D 1 college or even semi pro.

I wonder if he took the Ooppdie Oop with him or left that to the high school ranks.

Josh Coleman said...


The Ooppdie Oop was a creation of that teenage dream Moxon. Kilmer would not tolerate those shenannigans. In fact when Moxon chose to showcase the Double O in practice, Kilmer quickly scolded Moxon with "Your gonna be second string all your life boy." Just another great quote from a great leader.

Jesse- I can see the confusion. When I say depth or "deeper" I am reffering to the number of teams who found themselves in contention for a Conference Title very late in the season. This depth could also be considered average. No doubt the SEC had at least five teams who would have likely won a Pac 10 crown last season. Also a balanced league doesn't mean it's better. If your conference has two 12 win teams and 5 9-8 win teams with 3 teams with less than 4 that doesn't looked balanced to me. The Pac 10 last season had something like 7 schools who won eight games or more and the conference champ won only 10 or 11 last year.

Cane Tuckee said...

Johnny Moxon- that is the greatest QB name of time besides these, John David Booty, Joe Willy Naimith, Bart Starr, and Reno Hightower....

Josh Coleman said...


Johnny Moxon is no doubt a great name but my best name award would have to go to Colt McCoy or Tye Gunn former QB at TCU.

jesseward said...


I'll buy the "balanced" argument.

The deeper argument is weak because you are changing the definitions of the terms and confusing deeper and balanced. We all understood deeper to mean that the teams would have better records against non-conference schools and therefore participate in more bowl games, etc.



Cane Tuckee said...

Completely let a great name like Ty Gunn slip mu mind...a good point burt...But... Colt McCoy loses alot of status here for the following two factors...1.) He could possibly be related to Brett McCoy and 2.)With a name that classic, he should have been alot better looking than he was...

Cane Tuckee said...

Let us not forget Joe Cain or Coy Detmer... also great ones...

jesseward said...

I personally always like Randall Cunningham, as a name not as a QB.

Big H.I. said...

*Kentucky #1*