With the Texas Rangers going up for auction soon, there is a lot of speculation that Mark Cuban will try and throw his hat into the ring as potential owner. I think this would be great for baseball. Cuban is passionate and colorful that will be a polarizing character. Baseball could use more badguys, and Cuban is not well liked outside the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Cuban's history in the NBA shows that he wants to win at the professional level and is not afraid to spend some money to do so.
The Dallas Mavericks haven't been a dynasty by any means, but they have been successful, playing for a Finals agianst the Heat, Dirk's MVP caliber years, and a #1 playoff seed. In the last few years Cuban has brought in Kidd to solidify the PG position and brought in Caron Butler to play the wing opposite Dirk. This shows that he wants to win and will spend some money to assure his team the best chance. Nowhere in sport can these two things be better exploited then in baseball. Alot of people say the Yankees "buy" championships. We could soon be saying the same about the Rangers. You know if Cuban could he would. It seems there is a high dollar free agent in baseball every 6 months as opposed to basketball where a high dollar free agent is few and far between. Thus harder to get. In baseball Cuban could go out and get a Prince Fielder. If that dont work he could settle for Adam Dunn. Whatever the team needs Cuban will go buy it. Similar to that of Butch and the Boss. Cuban is great for baseball and great for the Rangers.
The Rangers are a playoff caliber team as it is. If they are auctioned off to Cuban they could assend into the Yankess/Red Sox/Angels rare air of being a championship contender year in, year out. With the solid base of Hamilton/Young/Kinsler/Cruz they are a free agent or two away from maybe having the most feared likeup in baseball. Add in the base of the rotation of Lee/CJ Wilson/Colby Lewis and they have a blueprint for the new owner. If Cuban outbids everyone else, we could see the Rangers being a team playing for some championships in the years to come.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want Cuban in as an owner.
I am still bitter that he wasn't rewarded the Cubs. Cuban's bid was higher than the Ricketts but Owners would not approve the sale. Wonder why. Cuban with a big market and a team with healthy revenue. Baseball would have had another Yankees on their hands.
Even if the Cubs had all the MLB players and coaches, and there was only one other team in the league, and they started 20 players in the field, and they moved the fence in when the Cubs were batting, and Todd was the only pitcher/player for the opposing team, and ... and they .... and they had an unlimited budget, they would still not make the playoffs.
Chicago will find a way.
The Houston Astros and the Pittsburg Pirates, my new favorite teams; one of which will win the Pennant in the next 5 years.
Go Bucs. Go Strohs.
Blow Cubs.
Thank you.
If the Pirates and the Astros combines rosters they wouldnt win a pennant in the next 5 years.
Funny. I looked through the discourse and was unable to find anywhere, even a notion, where your (Todd) opinion was solicited.
Now STFU and STFD.
Thank you.
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