Apparently, some of the 64/60 have decided to attack the diety of Pete Rose. Those who have done so are Cubs fans. which disqualifies their statements from the realm of logic. One has to keep this fact, they being Cubs fans, in mind when reading their mussings which do nothing but take a shit on baseball and just take them for face value, which is about as much as the ruble vs. the dollar in the exchange rate. I mean come on, they are Cubs fans. They have suffered through 102 years(and counting) of Suck-titude. Their bitter reality causes them to go through life deshelved and wearing blinders spewing a century's worth of inadequacy towards anything that has acheived success. They act foolishly and make claims and statements that resemble rhetoric that only Muslim clerics, scientologists, and Bill O'reilly would lament. No matter what they say, nothing is ever a goat's fault.
I was waxing nostalgic to the days of minor league baseball in Huntington. After the initial love affair with the Huntington Cubs and the debacle that was the Rail Kings, the Jewel City has been without minor league ball for quite some time. And let's face it, and with alot of personal experience from playing at the stadium myself, St. Cloud Commons had a cool name but was an absolute shit box. I would love to see a push to bring at least Rookie ball back to town, and let's be honest Ashland would not be a better fit than H-town. Anybody remember the Tri-State Tomahawks??? A new Stadium would be a must, but where? While it would be awesome to have a new stadium built in the downtown/riverfront area with a view of the Huntington Sky line and close vacinity to Pullman square, Big Sandy, and the Downtown entertainment district would give it a certain 'big time' feel, I don't see Huntington, with a horrid city government and budget drumming up enough support to make such a proposal happen. Instead, I say a new stadium for such purposes be built on the grounds of Camden Park and have a direct coralation with the amusement park ala Brooklyn Cyclones at Coney Island. You could call the team, another nod to Brooklyn, after the Big Dipper, or after the awesome Pronto Pup corndogs... That's just me dreaming...
Interesting factoid on the former Ironton Tanks... The Tanks were actually the result of two football clubs within Ironton coming together in consolodation. Their names? The Irish Town Rags and the Lombards. The Tanks settled on the name of the new club by paying homage to the towns Iron industry and the returning troops from World War I...I dig the Irish town Rags name...
The Trade deadline looms... Today is the day for the members of 64/60 to make those last moves to acquire the possible missing peices to their line-ups. The Vondies have been making the rounds and we have been in talks with several of the other owners on possible deals, but as of this writing, to be honest, there really hasn't been one made that has that pull the trigger feeling written all over from our standpoint. Alot of owners may make a deal just for the simple fact that is the last time they can and will panic and make a hasty judgement.. To be honest, I see a few players who may very well be the missing peices of the puzzle for Playoff success for my team in the Duckies, but that is by far the most piss-poor ran team I have ever seen. It's a shame to have so many players who would be able to help several teams in the log jam for the last playoff spot like myself, The Smackers, The BCFP factory and H&D as well as the 9'ers but are controlled by a team that is quite frankly a black eye on our league. In my personal opinion, that team should have been disbanded at the break and been divided up among the league using a bid type procedure with our remaining waiver budgets to barder with...
I don't think that the answer to the O's missery is Buck Showalter. Torre, Sweet Lou and Bobby all are going to be hanging it up at season's end, it will mark an end of somewhat of an era of great statergists...wonder when LaRussa will go???
Stan Spence Little League's(formerly known to us old timers as South shore Little League) 12 year old GIRLS softball team won the state championship recently in Bowing Greem... Why are we talking about Girls softball? becuase neither BC National, or American for that matter, nor the crown jewel CLL fielded a boys 12 year old team for play. that's sad and pathetic. For those curious about the shore's new league name, they re-named the 50 year old charter a few years back after South Portsmouth, KY native Stan Spence who spent 9 seasons in the Bigs from 1940-49 compiling a career batting avg. of .282, hitting 95 dingers, and driving in 575 while lodging time with The Red Sox, Original Washington Senetors(now the Twins) and St. Louis Browns (now Orioles). spence also shorted himself a year in the Bigs by serving in World War II in 1945.
I think it is time to have another Wiffle Ball gathering... Go ahead and get it in the planning stages Burt...
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