Ok, let's go ahead and get this out of the way... Brock Lesnar, after getting his ass handed to him in the first round, beat Shane carwin by Submission. That was a end result that I do not think anybody would have predicted for this heavyweight encounter. Now, before someone goes on a crusade and completely ignores on the record stated facts, I am a fan of Lesnar, and it is mostly because he was a PRO WRESTLER. I am not going to claim any allegance to Lesnar that does not revolve around this fact. Lesnar stated himslef in the post fight interview, that had a different ref been in the octagon that evening, the fight probably would have been stopped in the first round. Which would have been rediculous, I mean put aside your disgust for Pro Wrestling for a second, his 2nd round submission prooves that he was not finished and more than capable of going on with the fight, and call me crazy, but you just don't pull the plug on the Title Bout that easy. Carwin blew his waud early, Lesnar's corner recognized this fact, and he went for a new approach in round two, and it paid off. He weathered the early storm, or as he called it "Hurricane Katrina" and he is still on top of the UFC. Make no mistake about it, Lesanr is a beast, perhaps even the Super Beast of apocalyptical text. Now, next he will have Velasquez and barring any further loses, a rematch for big money aganst Carwin.
Lesnar is still a Pro Wrestler. He hangs out with Bill Goldberg and Steve Austin on the weekends. Paul Heyman is his business manager, and Jim Ross' crooked faced ass calls him everynight before he goes to bed with his wife Sable. I even liked the freudian-slip Lesnar gave out by calling Dana White 'Vince' in the post fight festivities. It might be easy for him to confuse the two, after all, They seem to be conducting business following the same business plan. Hmmmmm....
There is a crossover market. They do SHARE the SAME fanbase. UFC is a WRESTLING show. UFC has entered the mainstream. It has become the NFL. Don't mistake the two, UFC and MMA are now two totaly different animals. UFC is part of the American experience, not MMA.
You take athletic, qwerky, and arrogant, and differing individuals who ply a trade of combative sports, you pair them against each other, you introduce back story and emotion to attatch the audience to one participant or the other, you manipulate the viewing public to back one guy or the other, that my friends is Pro Wrestling. That is exactly what UFC, and to a greater extent, Strikeforce does....However you try to convince yourself of the opposite, you are a fucking numb nutted fool, UFC is using the same hook that Strikeforce, Jim Crockett, Vince McMahon, Dusty Rhodes and JIm Cornette have used...
Now, People say that Soccer, everywhere else known as Football, is the worlds game. Lineage to kicking severed heads in villages thousands of years ago and playing for ritualistic sacrifice in temples, yadda yadda yadda... well, I do enjoy watching soccer, I am american so I won't refer to it as football just to appease those who seem to think they are of higher intelligance and have some higher level of class and understanding, I am not going to insult myself nor my fellow countrymen by doing it, that being said, Soccer is not the world's game, it belongs whole-heartedly to Europe. For proof, all one has to do is look to the World Cup. The Europeans dominated. Spain and The Dutch inthe finals.
Ghana knocked out the Yanks for the second straight Cup, and then fell in heartbreaking fashion on penalty kicks. I don't think you can quite grasp the gravity of that. They were the lone African nation left in the field, they had the whole CONTINENT of Africa pulling for them. The hopes and dreams of every child you see on those unicef commercials were embodied by the Black Stars of Ghana... and they fell short... That is alot of pressure...That is intense... I doubt any other sports team in the world knows what the burden must of felt like...excpet one... The University of Kentucky Wildcats Basketball Program...
The Little Red Engine that Could keeps plugging along in the NL Central ... This team is really really good. Somewhere, Bo Diaz and Eric Davis are smilling. It is the calling card of the Redlegs to be awesome before the all star break, then faltering and falling off the map afterwards...but this year is gonna be different. And the Ass handing they gave to the Cubs last week was priceless... "Hello Chicago, My name is Drew Stubbs, here is your ass." Joey Votto will be the final man on the All Star Roster when it is all said and done, but shit, how do you pass him up the first go-round??? And Jonny Gomes is one intense mother fucker.
The 64/60 has become a battlefield of witty banter and all out threats... I love this shit.
Paul Heyman is the fucking man!!!
Is he gonna take over TNA and get shit headin' in the right direction?
Perhaps, an actual real pro wrestling?
If anyone saw the firefighter who fell from an upper deck and fractured his skull at Rangers stadium...Here is ESPNEWS classic take on the incident...
"Rangers president, Nolan Ryan, visited the man in the hospital and gave him the foul ball he was trying to catch....Hope it was worth it."
Very tastefully done.
your welcome for giving you lesnar in the 2nd rd. a week ago.
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