Anderson Silva, who many regard as pound for pound the best in the world, has a challenge that lays ahead him by the name of Chael Sonnen. Silva'a past antics in the fights have entertained me, admit it, you like seeing his spider monkey dance. I am not going to talk about how disgusted it makes me when he 'disrespects' other fighters with some of his in-ring antics. Because it does not disgust me. Look, he is a showman. That is the business he is in. He is a mixed martial artist, which I am fairly certain that term is an oxy-moron, but he is also a performer, an entertainer if you will. However, I like Sonnen. I like the way he presents himself. I like the words and verbage he uses when he is interviewed. I like the fact that he said that it is hard to find somebody in the locker room to have an meaningful coversation with, basically calling half of his fellow brethren meat heads. The man wants to be stimulated in conversation with topics other than protein shakes, walk-out tees, and hats without the bill bent. But, he also wants to fight. Call me crazy, or maybe just suckered into the romance that is Chael Sonnen, but I am taking Sonnen is an upset. Besides, I dig his last quote in regards to the fight, "I'm going to put him on his ass and beat a hole in his face." And this jewel, "Full-time fighters are just too lazy to have other jobs."
Night elf mowhawk JYD Baraccus Jackson needs to re-dedicate himself to his fights. I love me some Rampage, but he just didn't seem like he was the same Rampage his last fight. Claims that the obligations from his movie role and training time conflicting, he could not propperly prepare. Now, I have never had something like that happen to me personally, but that is a moot point. Whatever the reason, fact is he lost to Evans. He needs to regroup, and hopefully we will see the old chain-toting, dog howling Jackson in November when he enters the octagon(*sigh*) with Lyoto Machida. I like Machida too, but at times he can say some pretty obsurd things, and he will be coming off a convincing loss to Rua. Both fighters have something to proove come November, but It is not make or break time just yet. Besides, Machida drinks his own piss... As of right now, I am not leaning either way as too who I am gonna pull for...But, that drinking your own piss thing is carrying alot of weight with me...just sayin'... I do forsee Machida laying on Rampage for 3 rounds...
Like him or not, but Strikeforce's King Mo is near the top of that class. I like King Mo. I like his brash call you out attitude. He is a heel, and I respect that about him.The man as credentials in wrestling that would make Dan Gable blush, and he fights out of the gym for a team named Team Thirsty GDP. I don't see him losing the SF Light Heavyweight strap anytime soon.
Well, The racist ways of Arizona legislature, more profiling and harrassment than racism actually can't stop one group from coming across it borders from elsewhere. Strikeforce is gearing up for a huge show in Phoenix. The fight card has not yet been finalized, but it is noteworthy that Strikeforce got to that market before UFC did, however the machine that is UFC promotion has probably already secured a date for the desert in the near future as I write this.
Spartan Fighting Championship, based right here in Russell, is going to be moving venues for their next show. Raceland High School Gymnasium will host the next SFC on saturday night, and the next show will be held in the palatial El Hasa Shrine in Cannonsburg. The Shrine has better parking, and 3 or 4 very nice hotels right in the vacinity for lodging, and the after party will be moved from the End Zone in Ironton, OH to RJ Kahuna's at the Kyova Mall. The days of SFC at the Ashland Armory are over it would appear. But, we will have to wait and see how this all plays out financially for the SFC, they have had 4 fairly decent shows, not great by anymeans, but that is hardly enough to gage the success of a promotion on just yet.
Shogun Rua may be rushing his re-hab from his 3rd knee injury just a bit. His desire to get back in the ring may cut his brilliant career shorter than it needs to be.
Next month at UFC 118, BJ Penn, who many at one time considered to be the best fighter in all God's creation, will be taking on Frankie Edgar for the UFC Lightweight title. Interesting enough, the wrestler who will never die, not Terry Funk, but Randy Coture will be fighting the side-showesque attraction of former boxer James Toney. However Toney should be more skilled than Hershel Walker, but Coture should embarass Toney, if not, He obviously took a dive. Penn will win the headliner.
Girls figthing in MMA is not weird. It's hot. And all you need to see that is take a good look at Gina Carano, My future ex-wife.
Shane Del Rosario continues to be a rising star in the MMA world, and he recently kept his un-blimished record in-tact with a a first round ref-stoppage over Lolohea Mahe at this past weeks Strikeforce Challengers show in Everett, Washington.
Currently without a title to call his own, but after his shocking win last month, he really don't have use for one, at this point it would only be a prop. Fabricio Werdrum is currently regarded as the #2 over-all Heavyweight in the world, after his upset of the universally regarded number one heavy Fedor Emelianenko.
Werdrum ended Fedor's 7-plus year reign over the division. Next up? well, Strikeforce would love a clash between him and Overeem for their title, but Werdrum wants to proove his voctory was not a fluke and immediately wants to re-match Fedor. Either way, his frst win over the Russian Bear was huge.
The New #1 Big Bad Wolf is Brock Lesnar. He gave some fans a bit of a scare against Carwin, but he prevailed. I will say this for what will now be the 123,543,900,000 time, I FUCKING LIKE BROCK LESNAR AND I AM A LESNAR FAN. I am sure I will have to repeat that at some point. UFC 121 is going to be the big circle this date save money where you can to order this show on the calender. Cain Velasquez gets his shot at taking down the Master of Thunderfuck. There is something about this fight that intrigues me to no end. I am going to pulling for Lesnar, but I am going to say this, The Winner and New UFC Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the world, Cain Velasquez. Yup, the namesake is taking the belt from Lesnar on this night. Now, all they have to so is give Bruce Buffer the boot and bring in the Fink....
The Diaz Brothers and Gilbert Melendez have lost their leader, Jake Shields, who dominated the SF MIddleweight title will drop down to Welterweight when he enters the UFC after he contract from SF expired. I see success for Jake in the UFC, just as he would have continued ot be Successful in SF had he stayed. Too bad Mayhem didn't get the chance to get his title shot from Shields before he left...Pussy.
Dana White is going to feature GSP and his next opponent Josh Koscheck as the coaches on WCW Saturday Night, er, UFC The Ultimate Fighter. Now, I am one of those people who love to hate GSP, well, because he is that damn good. and he is a French Canadian, which is worse than being completely French. But, I hate Koscheck even more, unfortnately, that lil' frosty tipped fucker will not die. Perfect fight to watch, I get see them beat each other senseless, only drawback is one has to win.
silva over sonnen - KO rd. 1
lesnar over cain - KO rd. 2
penn over edgar - decision
gsp over koscheck - decision
machida over rampage - decision
very excited about the lesnar cain match up.
werdum should be ranked around 4 in the world. why would the organization have werdum fedor II and it not be a title fight? doesnt make sense to me. your right they will fight again, for really no reason. fedor wins the rematch.
women mma is still weird to me.
I think you are selling Sonnen way short, but I am not suprised.
Cain is more of a threat to Lesnar than Carwin could ever have dreamed, at this juncture. However, it looks like Lesnar is the only one who can beat Lesnar...BUt still looking for Cain to pull off the upset, though that may not be the propper term to use here.
Fedor/Werdrum II can't be a title fight because neither is the SF champ. I don't think that Strikeforce will pull the 'phantom' title change and throw that in there. Overeem will just have to wait to see which of these two he faces for the belt. The title is meaningless in this particular situation. It would add nothing to Werdrum/Fedor II. This is just good match-making on SF's part. However Fedor is still the WAMMA champion, so if you need a title to convince yourself it is a BIG TIME fight, there you go.
I'm sure women in MMA is weird to you, Women in your bed is more so.
i know that werdum fedor II couldnt be for a strikeforce title right now. i was refering to having werdum overeem for the title, if werdum wins then have werfum fedor II for a title. if overeem wins have overeem fedor for the title. have a fight progression.
it makes sense for strikeforce to have 3 or 4 big fights with the combo of werdum, fedor, overeem. 3 or 4 fights could last a year and a half to two years and possible make a huge name for the federation. instead, werdum fedor II right now makes no sense. if fedor wins then, ok it was a fluke. if werdum wins, then fedor looks more and more done. all the while overeem is fighting nobodies.
women mma creeps the hell out of me. sorry. dont want to be sexist. but its weird.
oh and im not dogging sonnen. anderson silva is a killer. first rd. knockout.
the no girl in my bed thing makes no sense. come on now.
Idge (Shepard),
1st) This is a masterpiece solidified by the quote "...he is a French Canadian, which is worse than being completely French." I loved that.
2nd) The zing to Todd about it being weird when women are in his bed; for the fucking win.
3rd) Todd (Sheep), the reason you can't get laid is that you always pick the favorite. Women like risk takers.... ask Ryan Moore who has taken more risks than all of us combined and meanwhile banged more hot chicks (and dudes at this point). Surely, you can find some middle ground. Bahhhhh......
ive had a girl in my bed every nite for the last 3 years... at least. i have no idea what you all are talking about.
ive had a girl in my bed every nite for the last 3 years... at least. i have no idea what you all are talking about.
ive had a girl in my bed every nite for the last 3 years... at least. i have no idea what you all are talking about.
Just one???
well said.
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