Ok...so Me and Chrissy were talking the other night, as mentioned in my previous post, the WWE NXT debacle of renaming a Hennig and a Rotundo is obsurd...But, Chris had a valid point that maybe they were not wanting to overhype yet two more 2nd and 3rd generation stars...But still, it makes no sense to me, but Vince does not like what Vince does not create...
If you are a wrestling fan and have not picked up on the fact that NXT is just a national stage for FCW, then shame on you. If you see something you like on NXT, chances are you can see something involving the NXT'ers that is light years ahead of anything on WWE programing... Florida Championship Wrestling is the triple a for the WWE, and ol' Virgil Runnels runs things creatively for the company... You may know him as Dusty Rhodes, without a doubt one of the most creative, and at the same time repetitive minds in the history of wrestling...
The WWE has several next generation grapplers in it's fold, Including the other Rotundo brother, Bo, and Ted jr's youngest brother Brett. The bastard of the Dibiase clan would be Mike, who has held the NWA North American title, but has not been in a ring for months, due to some legal issues which will probably land him in jail... Brett is also the tag team partner of Joe Hennig, the newly christined Mike McGuillicuty. The duo is billed as the Fortunate Sons in FCW.
If you watch any WWE programming at all, you may have noticed that on Smackdown!, Natives from the Isle of Samoa no longer have skulls made from steel and can speak the english language fluently...They also appear quite, well, Gangsta. Jules and Jimmy Uso, sons of Fatu, or Rikishi Phatu made a splash, litterly, on SD! a few weeks ago. Of course they are related to the infamous Samoan wrestling clan of Afa and Sika, seems as if every samoan wrestler to come down the aisle is in that family. Jimmy Snuka's Daughter is their valet/manager. You may, but more than likely not, remember Snuka's adopted son, who was called Duece in a terrible 50's poodle skirt greaser gimmick in the Ent. Why the fuck could he just not be Jimmy Snuka jr? or the name he wrestles with on the indy scene of Sim Snuka. Towards the end of his run with the WWE, he was paired with Afa's son, but they were both released...Fuck You Dwayne Johnson for making us realize Samoans were not head hunting savages! The fall of the USSR took away our greatest Heels now this...
While the most talented 3rd generation Hart, Teddy, is too whacked out to make a run in the WWE, his cousins, Natalie (Jim Neidhart's daughter) and David Hart Smith( Davey Boy's son) are currently picking up the pink and black mantle as members of the Hart Dynasty along with TJ Wilson. Wilson and Smith started out in Canada for the family run Stampede Wrestling as the Stampede Bulldogs. Wilson is likened to a young Dynamite Kid, but let's be honest, nobody is that good.
Just on name alone, FCW/Smackdown tag team the Dude Busters are Awesome...
Along with some of the other talented prospects in FCW, there are two more 2nd generation stars trying to climb the ranks. Richie Steamboat and Wes Brisco. Richie you may remember as the the little meat pie that Ricky used to dress up in the matching outfit as him and parade around the rings of the NWA/WCW. Wes Brisco is of the Jack and Jerry Brisco bloodlines...not to be confused with the Mark and Jay Briscoe bloodlines...Those Briscoes, who call ROH home, are the best tag team in the world today...
The notable absences to the list of 2nd and 3rd gener's to the list from WWE/FCW are Reid Flair, who apparently has been picked up by TNA, his brother David, who sucked, but me and chris did see his debut match in Charleston,WV at Souled Out 98. I remember Hogan whipping the shit out of him in a nWo beating with his belt, and Chris whipping plum the fuck out in the parking garage...we took the reliant if anybody is keeping score.. Also missing is Dylan Eaton, son of Bobby. Other noteworthy MIA's are Roddy Piper's son, and Bob Orton's youngest, who both went the MMA route, along side MIke Bollea, nephew of the Hulkster.
And while we are talking about 2nd generation guys, it's a toss up right now between Cody Rhodes and Erik Watts as to who sucks the most...Dusty should have stopped having kids after Dustin...
The future of the WWE and wrestling as a whole is looking pretty decent. I am glad to see so many youngsters take after pa and go into the family business. They are born into it, they respect it, and they get it.
I just can't wait until Chris Beniot's son steps into the ring....oh wait a minute....
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