Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'v waited for this day to come. MMA has audience in 64/60.
After a debate and a fisticuffs of the literary sense that has lit up the comments section of the blog, I am pleased to announce that along with my many regular postings, a full fledged column devoted to MMA and Combat Sports is coming to the land of 64/60. Now, you may have noticed that I more often than not give a nod in some way or fashion to MMA and Pro Wrestling in my postings, and after the events of last weeks commentary and the fact that Todd knows absolutely nothing and is talking out of his UFC/Dana White Brainwashed ass, I am going to take it upon myself, seeing as to how I am the most apt and qualified litterary mind here, to bring you a MMA themed column.
Congrats Todd, you may have replaced Chris in the role of the person we like to pick on the most.
Even when somebody like Burt notices the 'lighting rod' effect that MMA has and the emotional banter it emotes, something has to be done, and done something shall be... Look for the debut column next week.


Anonymous said...

64 60 needs a mma section. good addition. we need to cover every sport.

if someone is self proclaimed the most qualified "litterary"
mind here, maybe they should spell check literary before posting it.

but thats probably just dana white brainwashing me with info.

jesseward said...
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jesseward said...

Dude, you misspelled "arguement" in your last post on Idge's other blog.

Come up with some valid non hypocritical "arguements" or go back to your room.

Also, take my advice, criticizing grammar and spelling on this blog is pointless as everyone makes mistakes like these; we all went to public school in KY. The grammar and misspellings shouldn't take away from the point of the article. If they cause ambiguity, just ask the author to clarify.

Or you can just look like a nitpicking asshole. (I played the role for a while and it sucked.)


Anonymous said...

would never nitpick grammer or spelling (im horrible myself), however if someone says they are the sharpest literary mind all the while misspelling literary, i think that needs pointed out.

jesseward said...

Since when does having a great literary mind have to do with not making spelling errors?

Although, it certainly is funny that is was misspelled. The timing couldn't have been better.

Cane Tuckee said...

Todd, if you had any familiarity with this blog, you would know by now that spell-check is not a tool that is in particular high demand here. Now, by viewing your comments on various subject matter, it appears as if somewhere along the way, you have gotten a seriously wrong and misconstrued sense of self worth. But that is ok, people are qwerky and everybody has hang-ups, that is just the nature of the beast.
And about my 'self-proclaimed' title, rest assured citizen, any title that I carry is not one bestowed upon myself.
It is also quite evident, that you can't pick up on the use of literary techniques and getting the response from the reader that the author wants, which I have done to you, further evident by the responses you have given and the emotion not only I, but also Master Ward has gotten from you. We basically called you out, right or wrong, and you did nothing to defend your stance, you spent most of your time trying to debunk ours, which led the your ultimate failure in your futile attempts, but thanks for playing along in the mind fucking you received, and for being the cast in the role of the fool, which it became quite obvious that it is a role in which you are very comfortable in and play well, one could even deduce that you relish in said thanks, Re-Todd.

Big H.I. said...
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Big H.I. said...

Boys somebody dropped ass up in this piece.

Anonymous said...


i agree the timing couldn't have been better.

never said fedor wasn't very good. he is. i just wish he would get a great fighter in their prime to prove it to me.

he did turn down the UFCs offer.

Anonymous said...

top 50 fighters

UFC- 34
Strikeforce- 11
other- 5

jesseward said...


This just gets worse and worse.

1) The issue is not whether Fedor is a great fighter. We can all agree he is. The issue is that he is the best because he never fucking loses.

2) How can you possibly say he hasn't beaten anyone in their prime? He has beaten everyone he's fought (except an illegal strike from which the Dr. had to stop the fight). Perhaps he not is his prime?

3) The issue is not which organization has more top 50 fighters, so your point is for another argument and carries no weight here.

The UFC has some great fighters but is weak in the heavy weight division because they don't have the best.

The main points are (and should only be argued for or against)

1) Strikeforce has legit talent. i.e. Fedor

2) Fedor is and should be the #1 rank heavy weight.

Let's stay on topic here.

And, "Retodd" is the wittiest thing I have heard in months. Nice work, Idge.


Anonymous said...

retodd was super witty when steve maynards little sister called me that in 3rd grade.

over this arguement. we will let time tell. i give strikeforce another year tops.

jesse, is it possible that fedor has that gawdy record because the vast majority of his fights are nobodys and somebodys that have lost a step?

jesseward said...


No that is not possible, because the overwhelming majority of his fights were either for the championship (Pride, Strikeforce, etc) or defending the championship. So he was fighting #1 or #2 ranked guys; top contenders as determined by the organizations. The only top contender he hasn't fought and demolished is Brock.

Furthermore, if he is fighting top contenders then one could argue that they are in their prime when he fights them.

10 years of winning MMA fights, I'd say he has caught several people in their Prime (Nog, AA, Ogawa)

Pick a new topic. Arguing with you bores me.

Retodd was clever then too.


Big H.I. said...

Anyone out there stiff? Lord knows I am!

jesseward said...


Those comments are so weird. It's difficult to determine what the nature of them actually is.


On a semi-related note though, I occasionally get stiff as well. It has nothing to do with you though.
