Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In-N-Out Week 3

So perhaps a few tears were shed at the 64/60 Headquarters this past Sunday. Make no mistake this isn't the tears of teenage heartbreak, but merely those of built up emotions causing yours eyes to fill like a cup of tap water. I feel it's completely natural, after a weeks worth of lifes up's and down's, to sit on Sunday morning and contemplate what life has handed you. While many of you build me up a some sort of supernatural human, I assure you I pee just the same as you, I bleed just the same as you, and yes my heart hurts just the same as you. So what caused this moment of perceived weakness? Was it the fact that I have spent countless months preparing for a fantasy baseball season, only for all that preperation to net me results well below what I expected? Was it the fact that for the second consecutive week I have no idea what a .240 AVG feels like or any respectable totals in the counting offensive numbers? Was it the fact that I had my ass handed to me by some teenage Josh Coleman wanna be who grew up with my poster over his bed? Who has my mission statement from years passed posted on his mirror in the bathroom. The man who has somehow risen to the top with a roster thats a who's who of "are you kidding me players" for the 2013 season. A team that by the end of May will be right down to thier rightful place as a middle tier option who will be fighting just to get in the playoffs and not playing the role of leaders of the pack. Laughable that any of these aforementioned events would cause a man of my stature to release my emotions. It was the damn movie Armageddon and it gets me every time. Two scenes from the end of the movie. Everyone knows what I'm reffering to. Of course the scene where Bruce is signing off for the last time and saying his goodbyes. The daughter part tugs at your heart strings but the moment that gets to me is when he tells his trusty sidekick, Chick, he couldn't have done it without him. The second scene is a little more under the radar but after returning home, Chicks son is running toward him in movie drama motion, Chick opens his arms and the tear ducts start flowing. It's always good to let it out every once in a while.

Game Recaps

Marshall Maniacs 10 vs. BCFP 1. While the end result was a plain old fashioned beatdown it was more my ineptitude than a domination by the Maniacs. It's got to feel good for the youngster to finally have some taste of success. Sure he has a football championship on his resume but let's face it that's equivelant to an Oscar for Special Effects within the 64/60. Baseball is where it's at and Junior has failed to rise above the middle of the pack. Enjoy it while you can and savor each and every victory. Come seasons end you'll still come up short and Mike is still your father.

MVP- Beltran .375/3/4/4/0/1.192

Scrote Mashers 8 vs. HGH Factory 4. While it's not a victory over Bopp the 4 point swing brings the Scrote Mashers up to .500 and puts them in the middle of the 64/60 standings. The Scrote's had a very good week at the plate earning 4 of 6 stats. In a typical matchup the 12 HR and 49 Runs are good enough for victory however the 14 and 55 Runs posted by the HGH were good enough for league best and saved Nate a spot in the standings.

MVP- Gomez .500/2/5/3/1/1.471

Walls Of Jericho 8 vs. The Takeover 4. It's may only be Week 3 but someone needs to check the pulse of the Takeover. We could have ourselves the first team set to auto-pilot. While league activity suggest Holland has visited the site recently you have to wonder where's the lineup adjustments. Injuries have certainly effected The Takeover as 7 players have those unsightly red letters alongside their names. While you may want to hold on to the likes of Harrison, Colvin, and Myers when forced into the current predicement you can't afford to take a 0 at active positions such as 1B (Tex), OF (Kubel), and P (Cueto). Things where so bad last week The Takeover failed to meet the minimum IP totals and took a 0-6 loss in P. Doesn't take a sabermetrician to figure out that made the difference in this contest. The Takeover have the pieces (Votto, Longoria) to make some noise within this league but a little TLC is needed along the way. It may have taken a rule violation but the end result is the Walls first victory of the 2013 season.

MVP- CarGo .417/1/7/6/2/1.214

Argumentative 9irons 7 vs. Lemaster Blasters 5. It's the equivelant of College Football's letdown game coming off the heels of a Prime Time matchup the week before. So much effort and emotion is put into handing Bopp defeat it's difficult to produce the same focus and energy the following week. At some point this season I'll research this phenomenon more in depth. GRC3 did what GRC3 does and took advantage of his opponents weakness. He's not a former champ for nothing folks. Pitching lead the way for the 9irons taking 4 of 6 and in anohter battle of marginal offenses the 9irons managed a split thanks to the stat winning 3 SB's.

MVP- Dempster 1QS/ 18K/ 3.21/.93/11.57

BC Pedophiles 7 vs. Emanski 5. Sorry Bill at this current time I can't bring myself to put the Deathsquad in your team name. It's been a struggle for Fenney in the early going to say the least. Injuries have robbed him of two keepers and Matt Kemp has changed his approach at the plate, turning into a slap hitter looking for that IF single. Things will turn around I just hope it's sooner rather than later. It's always bad when Bopp earns a W it's worse when he does so not exactly playing well. Between my poor start, Brandon being in first, and Bopp struggling mightily offensively yet still 5 games above .500 I don't think you could script a worse start for the Factory.

MVP- Bailey 3SV/ 6K/2.25/.75/13.50

Free Hat 6 vs. Barboursville Stars 5. The two best offenses in the early going squared off and a pitching duel played out. Either team would have taken 4 of 6 from any other team in the league yet in this matchup The Hat's earned 4 leading him to victory. Neither offense performed among the leagues worst but both underperformed relative to previous output. RTW remains unblemished on the season and in my opinion the best the league has to offer at this point. The close contest keeps the Stars at .500 and likely itching to make another poor move to hinder his squad moving forward. The BCFP Office never closes Mike feel free to send request my way.

MVP- Choo .450/0/6/2/1/1.307

Pickup Of The Week

Andrew Cashner- BCFP, Josh Coleman. Several viable options this week but I prefer the potential upside of Cashner. Great home ballpark for starters to go along with some nice inner-division road options. Good K potential and has shown periods of domination in brief moments over the last two seasons. Injuries are always a concern with Cashner but health and effectiveness will surely win him a permanent rotation spot with the rebuilding Padres. Will likely face IP limits if he can remain in the rotation. ERA in the mid to low 3's with a K potential of over 8 per 9.

Head Scratcher Of The Week

Jordany Valdespin- HGH Factory, Nate Rice. Truth be told this award was given solely on the precedent set forth by Butch Lemaster last week. As most can recall Butch dropped Chris Carter last week only to pick him up two days later using FAAB money. Valdespin was treated in the same manner this past week. Released on the 18th only to be picked up on the 20th for $4 of FAAB. Valdespin does have a little bit of pop to go with some speed and 2B eligibility makes him a option in this format but perhaps the $4 in FAAB could have been saved. The worst actual pickup of the week was JA Happ for $10 in FAAB by the B'Ville Stars. I saved McClung the ridicule this week as I threw him under the bus last week and I often worry about his mental state. Two consecutive weeks of mockery may push him over the edge.


todd said...

another classic

Nate Rice said...

I'm not gonna miss that $4 and you know it.