Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Get out your walking shoes, it's time to March to Morehead

The March to Morehead is here. District play has tipped off in the 16th Region, most notably tonight in Summit as the Lions of Boyd take on Fairview (who thanks to their community approving a utility tax today, may remain a school district after-all)

So, who is going to be making travel arrangements to Morehead? (And no, it's still not the same without Jerry's.)

So, while you are sitting there thinking about all the partying you did at the suitcase college back in your youth, and getting misty eyed thinking about the Chinese food joint that served beer and had Ale-8 on tap, and how boring it was in 'The Head' back then with only Domino's Pizza, University Cinema, and Boomerangs to bide your time with (while also cursing the college town for now having a B-W's and a 24-hour Wal-Mart), here are the teams you can expect to see take the floor at Ellis T. Johnson:

Fleming County and Rowan will be making plans to be there out of the 61st District. Menifee could play spoiler, but Fleming County is just too good, and it should come down to the Panthers and Vikings making the district title game, both punching their tickets to The Head. If you are going to make me pick a district winner, I go with Fleming.

The 62nd District has a battle on it's hands, if for only out of emotionally charged play and not necessarily evenness of talent levels, with East meeting West. Fittingly enough, a Maroon-clad team from Olive Hill is once more led into battle by a kid named Brown. Kyle Brown, named after Macy and even a nod to a very bad NFL team, will be the catalyst to ensure that the Comets don't crash against the Raiders. And Morgan County, yeah the same folks who have resurfaced after a natural disaster should have eliminated them from the map, will put away the Lions of Elliot County. Elliot lives and dies by the 3. And, they can shoot it fairly well. However, the Cougars haven't come all the way back from extinction in West Liberty for nothing, and Keith Whitley's favorite team isn't the same Disney-esque program it was in season's past. It will come down to West and Morgan in the district finale, which means both are going to Morehead. West makes the trip with the winner's purse.

In the 63rd District, Kyle Skaggs and Russell have been the uncrowned district champs all season. It seems as if putting the Red Devils on the bus to Morehead is just a formality . Russell has already won one region title this year, that being the All-A Region Championship, and they are going to most assuredly get the chance to add to the resume of Head Coach Merle Kidwell, perhaps even a second regional trophy for the year. They are going to beat a much improved Greenup County team, to get in the district final against, and I am going upset slightly here and putting Raceland there. The Rams will beat Lewis County. I think. Russell takes the district, and along with Raceland, ramble their way west on the Industrial Parkway.

The 64th District is a tough one to get a feel for. Boyd lost to Ashland, then humiliated the City Kitties at Anderson Gymnasium after losing their 2nd leading scorer previous to that game for the remainder of the season. Ashland has only lost once since that game though, and Boyd played there way into, what is hard to believe, there first 20 win season since 1999-2000. Some of you might be saying, hold up, you jumped the gun on Fairview. No we haven't. It is a two horse, or cat, race in the 64th, as per usual and it comes down to Ashland and BC. Randy Anderson's Scarlet and White once again get the upper hand on the Tomcats in the district finals, but there will be absolutely no car-pooling between these two rivals as they head out on 64. Boyd might even take Old 60 just for spite.

So, there it is. Get there early, and please people, for the love of God, just because some of the white kids can jump, let's calm down on saying every single one of them reminds you of  Rex. There may be a potential Jeff Hall or Mike Scott in there somewhere, but not a Rex. That's not fair to these kids to say such things.

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