Friday, February 10, 2012

A look at Memorial Gym, Vandy, and an over-use of photoshop

Memorial Gym is a unique basketball environment to say the least. You are just as likely to see a disfigured gentleman with a white mask playing an organ as you are a 3 pointer, or so it would seem. The Gym has that infamous odd set up of benches being underneath baskets and playing on an elevated surface, which that alone causes you to just being out of sync and disoriented, and is enough to alter your game.
It doesn't help when Vanderbilt is good. Unfortunately, for Vandy, they aren't as good as they said they were.

To put it in more perspective, the gym and the atmosphere is equivalent to what it would be if Ashland moved their home games from Anderson Gymnasium and into the Paramount Arts Center(not a bad idea). It's just odd...But that being said, I actually love the way it is. It's different and gives it a certain appeal. Yup, nothing like a saturday in the Opera House, or should it be Opry House since we are Southerners and all?

Anyways,  #1 Kentucky comes to Nashville, which may as well be a Kentucky city when the Cats come to town, to take on Festis "Mr. Eko" Ezili and friends.Ezili and company better be carrying a big

Jesus Stick. The Ivy League of the South is going to be in for a long night Saturday, judging by the recent death and destruction that Kentucky has left in it's wake. It's the kind that Gargamel was talking about achieving on the Smurfs, but alas never could. seriously, there are bodies lying everywhere.

Let's not even get into the specifics of our 'Land to Air' projectile defense. Just know that Israel is even envious of our defense. And yes, we are going to bring along our Dunk Show, better than the Bud-Light Daredevils, without trampolines. Vandy is going to bleed like they were Ricky Morton and Saturday was Starrcade '86.

Jimmy Dykes, that tent you have pitched for Kentucky lately, will be able to sleep about 12 comfortably after Saturday.

Vandy Football jerseys hanging in Craycraft's- one
GPA- Advantage Vandy
Future earnings and ability to buy gaudy things- Advantage Kentucky
Chances #occupyMemorial will need to become a fundraiser entitled Rebuild Memorial after Saturday- Very probable
Yeah, those UK2GAY t-shirts are cute, but it still doesn't change the fact that UK is 2 Good for you. And, you've pissed GLAAD off....You guys are going to get limp-wrist slapped so freakin' hard. Kinda' suprising that a school who's name rhymes with dandy, would draw such ire from the non-breeding community...It is the world we live in though.

Kentucky by 16.

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